
What is MegaPixel in Camera's ???

 Whats up lovely people?TechnoGuy daily blogs back here...So guys today we talking about megapixels of camera's. 

So lets talk about it.

Whenever we talks about cameras in mobilephone, then the most important thing is megapixels. Then What is Megapixels. Importance is Megapixels. Is more megapixels best or wrost in smartphones.Lets talk about It.

👉What is Megapixel ?

MegaPixel is the shortform of million pixels. and  1 MP contains 10 lakh Pixels.

👉What is pixel ?

       The rearer part of camera is the sensor called as Image sensor. which is made up of small small boxes called as pixels. this each pixel contains imformation like light,color contrast , etc. and when n no. of pixels comes together will forms complete image.

Image Sensor

Image Sensor

👉How we calculates the pixels of cameras? 

         Total pixels in the camera= No. of pixels in length * No. of pixels in the width

         Now 1mp contais 1152 in length and 864 in width 

                    1MP= 1152*864=10 lakhs pixels

                    2MP= 1600*1200= 20lakhs pixels

                    8MP= 3264*2448=80lakhs pixels

                    12MP=4000*3000=120lakhs pixels

👉 Is it that the quality of images will increases with increasing on MP ?

     No, It is totally depends on the actual size of your sensor (not in no. pixels). because as the size of sensor increases size of pixels will also increases and better information will stores in that pixels. Now to understand that take a example of iphone 6 and 6S iphone 6 conatins 8MP and 6S contains 12MP but the size of image sensors of both are same due to that in 6s the more pixels are compressed in a less space due to that this pixels cannot store that much better information like a iphone 6 . If we talks about DSLR and Smartphone then the obivously the size of image sensor of smartphone is less than the size of image sensor in DSLR thats why if there are same MP in both then also DSLR will Captures better image than Smartphone. and NOW a days smartphone companies giving us much MP that cames gives you better detailing in image but that cameras are not able to store better picture because when we zoom up the images the the pixels of that 64MP will breaks.


So ,This is all about camera's megapixels.If you have any query regarding that comment us. thank you for visiting TechnoGuy,hope you like todays information.plzz share comment and follow our page.

- TechnoGuy 💗

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