Hello Guys,
    We are Mahesh Bhakare & Yash Deshpande and Technoguy is Our blog. On this blog you will get latest technical news. Along with that you will also learn technical skills. We also gives you reviews of electronics accesseries like smartphones, laptops, and other electronic equipments also. 

    We also have a Instagram page,which is "python3_guru". On that we teaches you python programming language from basics to advance. If you are intrested in coading , then you can follow our page. Our page link is https://www.instagram.com/python3_guru/ . 

    If you have any query or suggestion then you can contact us on our mail technoguy544@gmail.com We will replay you within 24 hours.We wil try to give you ours best.....

        Thank you .....

About us -

Name - Yash Deshpande | Mahesh Bhakare

Address - Ghulewadi, Sangamner,MH-422608

Contact - technoguy544@gmail.com